When the skeletal muscles in the legs contract without relaxation, muscle cramps or spasms will occur. This contraction can be quite painful, and the reaction is involuntary and uncontrollable. Usually, cramps occur due to the overuse of muscles. If your legs are fatigued, the muscles might experience involuntary contraction. In other cases, dehydration or the lack of sufficient electrolytes can trigger the contraction. Other possible causes of cramps include muscle injuries, muscle inflexibility and hostile environmental conditions. In most cases, the muscle cramps will disappear after some time. However, they can cause great discomfort before the issue is resolved. Here are some physiotherapy tips for dealing with the problem and guidelines on avoiding recurrent leg cramping.

Massage the Strained Muscle

You should think about having your muscles massaged by a physiotherapist after experiencing a muscle cramp. This solution is of particular importance if you are involved in athletic activities. A neglected muscle cramp will increase the risk of injury, interrupting your normal physical routine. The specialist will resolve the knot of pain caused by the contraction. Also, they will manipulate the leg muscles, increasing general relaxation. The soothed muscles will be less prone to strain injuries.

Apply Heat to the Muscles

You should plan on applying heat to your cramping leg muscle. The heat can help in relaxing the knotted tissues. In simple terms, the heat will release the contraction, easing the pain and restoring muscle health. Under ideal circumstances, you should soak the leg in warm water. The wet heat will have a positive impact on your tense legs. If you cannot access wet heat, you should use a heating pad to achieve the same results. You should note that massaging your cramped leg with ice immediately after the problem occurs can be beneficial. The cold will numb the muscles, alleviating the pain.

Avoid Muscle Strain

You should prevent the occurrence of leg cramps by protecting your muscles against strain. Most cases of cramps can be traced back to overexertion. Therefore, you should monitor your physical activities, especially if you exercise frequently. You should also think about training your leg muscles more before undertaking a strenuous exercise regime. For instance, you can build strength by taking up exercises such as lunges and squats. Additionally, you must keep your body hydrated, especially if you are planning on working out or staying in a hot environment. Dehydration increases the risk of general muscle cramping.

If your cramp is not resolved after resting and using home treatment, you should consult a physiotherapist for professional advice.  
